Sunday, November 18, 2007

Random Mali Pics

Hello! I'm in Bamako for the next couple days, planning the upcoming in-service training and trying to finalize my grad school essays and such. I'm getting ready for the big move across town into a HUGE house. Once I settle in, I'll post some pictures (my new house is on the banks of the Niger, so I'll have a pretty awesome view).
I thought I'd post a few recent pics....they don't really go together, but I hope you enjoy them anyway!
(This is my butcher where I get beef....when I feel like affording it. Something tells me it wouldn't pass American health standards.)
(A bug that Danielle and Steffen found dead in their house. I've never seen a live one, but I'm praying that I'll never wake up next to one crawling on my face or something!)
(A group of girls (plus one little boy) that swarmed me as I was watching the sunset down by the river. They really wanted to braid my hair, but speaking from prior experience, I do not look too good in corn rows!)


Unknown said...

Eeeww!! I am glad we didn't see any bugs like that in Ghana!

di said...

Oh, flies just add some extra protien. Yummy! So when will you post a pic of you in corn rows?

Kathy said...

Ummm...I think I intentionally didn't take any pics when I had the corn rows in. I should have, now that I look back on it. It was pretty rediculous looking! And I had an afro once I took the braids out -- my hair was so stretched out. :-)

Anonymous said...

That bug is NASTY! Ewwww! I think I'd jump 20 feet if i saw that thing crawing in my house. You need to teach your kitty to eat those things! Cool halloween pix BTW, you guys are so creative!