Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Take the "Kathy in Mali" Quiz!

So I got this idea from another PCV's blog, and I thought it looked fun. Let's see how well you do.... (I'll post my answers up in a week, so check back)
  1. My original Malian name was:
    1. Djeneba Samaké
    2. Fatumata Dembelé
    3. Aissata Coulibaly
    4. Kadijatu Traoré
    5. Maïmouna Koumaré
  2. My favorite fruit here in Mali is:
    1. bananas
    2. mangos
    3. guavas
    4. papayas
    5. pomengranates
  3. I have eaten all the following in Mali EXCEPT:
    1. intestines
    2. fish eyes
    3. sheep brains
    4. pigeons
    5. dogs
  4. Malians have shouted out the following names at me EXCEPT:
    1. "The White!"
    2. "Black Girl!"
    3. "Red Chinese!"
    4. "Bicycle Chief!"
    5. "Peace Corps!"
  5. I was once stopped by the police while biking because of:
    1. being a foreigner
    2. biking in a skirt
    3. wearing a helmet
    4. not wearing a helmet
    5. going the wrong way down a one-way street
  6. When a baby peed on me, the women told me it was a sign that:
    1. I would get married soon
    2. I would adopt the baby
    3. I needed a bath
    4. It would rain the next day
    5. I had to stay in Mali forever
Good luck and enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bike Chief! I like that one. :)

I can't wait for the answers, and I hope you're not trying to bring home a baby with your two cats!
